How to grow your subscriber list and why this is a bad idea


For any online business, building a strong email list is one of the most important things they can own. After all, email marketing has an average ROI of 3800%, making it one of the most effective ways to reach and interact with your audience. But what if you're having trouble growing your email list; Is it a good idea to buy an email list or use giveaways to get subscribers quickly? In this article, we'll explore the pros and cons of these tactics and why they may not be the best option for your business.

The advantages and disadvantages of buying email lists

Buying an email list may seem like an easy way to quickly expand your email list, but there are some significant disadvantages to this approach. Firstly, many of the people on the list may not be interested in your business or products, which means they are unlikely to engage with your emails. In addition, buying email lists can damage your domain's reputation as a sender, making it more difficult to "land" your emails in your subscribers' inboxes. In this section, we'll delve into the pros and cons of buying email lists.

The pros and cons of using Giveaways to get subscribers


Giveaways are a popular way to get people to sign up to your email list. After all, who doesn't like the chance to win something for free? However, while giveaways can be an effective way to get people to sign up for your list, they can also attract people who are only interested in the prize, not your business. In this section, we'll explore the pros and cons of using gifts to get subscribers.

what about companies that build their lists the wrong way

The use of poor quality email lists obtained through gifts or purchased from dubious sources can have significant negative consequences for a business. Here are some examples of businesses that have had negative results from using poor quality email lists:

Company A is a small online retailer that has decided to buy a long email list from a seller he found on the internet. The list promised to contain thousands of email addresses of people interested in their industry. The retailer used the list to send out an email advertising campaign, but the results were disappointing. Open ratios were very low and click-to-view ratios were almost non-existent. Upon investigation, the retailer discovered that many of the email addresses were invalid, old or were identified as unwanted. This meant that the retailer had wasted considerable time and money on an ineffective campaign that had almost no sales.

Company B is a startup that wanted to grow its email list quickly to promote its new product. They decided to make a gift on social media, promising to give away a free product to everyone who signed up to their email list. The campaign was very successful and the company quickly gained thousands of new subscribers. However, they soon discovered that many of these subscribers were not interested in their product and had only signed up to receive the free gift. This led to low rate of commitment, high rate of disengagement and low ROI on their email marketing campaigns.

Company C is a B2B software company that purchased an email list from a vendor that claims to offer high-quality, verified email addresses of decision makers in their industry. The company used the list to send a series of targeted email campaigns, but found that the response rates were very low. After conducting some research, they discovered that many of the email addresses on the list were either counterfeit or purchased from other suppliers, which means that were not exclusive to their company. As a result, they wasted significant time and resources on ineffective email campaigns and lost trust with their target audience.

These case studies illustrate the risks of using poor quality email lists obtained through gifts or purchased from unreliable sources. Not only can they be a waste of time and money, but they can also damage a company's reputation and lead to low loyalty rates and high unsubscribe rates. It is essential to invest time and resources to organically build an engaged and interested email list to ensure the effectiveness and success of email marketing campaigns.

Why quality is greater than quantity in email marketing

While it may be tempting to focus on the sheer number of subscribers on your email list, the truth is that quality is more important than quantity when it comes to email marketing. Having a large email list won't do you much good if the people on the list aren't interested in your business or products. In this section, we'll talk about why quality matters more than quantity in email marketing.

How to grow your email list the right way

So if buying email lists and using gifts are not the best ways to grow your email list, what should you do instead? In this section, we'll explore some effective strategies for growing your email list the right way. From creating valuable content to optimizing engagement forms, we'll give you the tips and tools you need to build a strong email list that will help your business grow.

How to get a quality subscriber list

To grow your email list with high-quality subscribers, it is essential to focus on building relationships with your target audience and delivering value through your content. Here are some best practices to follow:

You offer valuable incentives: Create valuable incentives, such as exclusive content, discounts or freebies, relevant to your target audience to encourage them to subscribe to your email list.

Use targeted participation forms: Use targeted engagement forms on your website and social media channels to grab the attention of your ideal audience and encourage them to sign up to your email list.

For example, a fitness coach could offer a free ebook on healthy meal planning to encourage new subscribers to sign up to their email list. Alternatively, a business consultant could use a targeted sign-up form on their website to offer free advice to interested visitors. By offering valuable incentives and using targeted opt-in forms, businesses can attract high-quality subscribers and effectively grow their email list.


Although buying subscribers may seem attractive at first, there are many reasons why you shouldn't do it. Instead, the best practice is to increase your subscribers organically, using various strategies such as contests, discounts and offers, but above all by providing quality content and maintaining a good relationship with your audience.

Also, it is important to remember that your goal in email marketing is not just to increase the number of subscribers, but to create a solid and genuine relationship with your readers. This can only come from a true and active engagement on your part, through providing quality content that will interest your audience.

In any case, remember that buying subscribers or acquiring them through contests and free offers may seem like an easier and quicker solution, but in reality it is not sustainable for the growth and success of your email marketing. Rather, it will result in an inactive and unreliable subscriber list that will not translate into actual sales.

Today you learned that while acquiring subscribers through contests or buying email lists may seem like a quick and easy way to grow your email list, it can have negative consequences. These low-quality subscribers may not be interested in your content, resulting in low open and click-to-view ratios and potentially damaging your email reputation. Instead, learn about best practices for growing your email list with high quality subscribers, including by offering valuable incentives and using targeted forms of participation. By focusing on building relationships with your target audience and providing value through your content, you can attract high-quality subscribers who are interested in what you have to offer, resulting in greater loyalty and sales.

If you're looking for more tips and strategies for growing your subscriber list, contact us today. Our experts will help you build an effective and growing subscriber list that will lead to increased sales and awareness for your business. Don't hesitate to contact us for a free consultation session.


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