Eshop promotion: the 7 strategies you need to know to increase your sales and how to get started.


Eshop promotion: the 7 strategies you need to know to increase your sales

The importance of running a successful eshop

In today's digital age, having a successful e-shop is vital for any business. With the increasing number of consumers shopping online, creating an e-shop allows businesses to reach a larger audience and this leads to an increase in sales and a profitable eshop. As a business owner you are constantly looking for ideas to increase your turnover, attract new buyers and retain existing customers.

An successful online store provides customers with an easy and convenient way to buy products or services from the comfort of their home. In addition, it can operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, allowing customers to shop at any time of the day. A healthy online store can also provide businesses with valuable data and information about their customers' behavior and preferences, allowing them to optimize their marketing efforts and improve customer satisfaction in their physical stores as well, where they exist. For example, an online store owner in the country can use analytics tools to track which products are most popular among their customers, which marketing campaigns are getting the most traffic, and which pages lead to the highest conversion rates. With this information, the owner can make data-driven decisions and improve the overall success of their business, whether it's just the eshop or the physical store.

Strategy 1: Optimize your website for search engines


One of the most important steps to increase traffic to your e-shop is to optimize your website for search engines. This process is commonly known as SEO (Search Engine Optimization). By applying some basic on-page SEO techniques, you can improve the visibility and ranking of your website on search engine results pages (SERPs). Some examples of on-page SEO include optimisation of titles and meta-descriptions of your website, the use of relevant keywords to all your content and the improvement of speed loading your website. In addition, you can optimize the structure and navigation of your site to make it easier for search engines to crawl and index your pages. By optimizing your site for search engines, you can ensure that your e-shop is visible to potential customers who are actively searching for products or services you offer.

Strategy 2: Use social media marketing to reach your audience


Social media marketing is a powerful way to connect with your target audience and increase sales for your online store. With over 4.2 billion people using social media worldwide, it's essential to have a presence on platforms like Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. But it's not enough to just have a social media account. You need to have only one social media account. create engaging content that resonates with your audience and encourages them to take action. For example, you could create a post that introduces a new product or service and encourages followers to visit your online store to learn more. You could also hold a social media contest to generate excitement around your business brand. By using social media marketing effectively, you can reach a wider audience, gain awareness and ultimately increase sales through your online store.

Strategy 3: Invest in Influencer Marketing to boost your brand awareness

influencer marketing

Influencer Marketing has become a powerful tool in the world of digital marketing. By partnering with influencers who have a large and engaged following on social media, you can effectively reach a wider audience and increase sales. Of course you need to do your research so that the influencer's audience is similar to the audience you are targeting. For Example, if you sell beauty products, you can work with beauty influencers who can promote your products to their audience through seminars, product reviews or unboxing videos. This can help increase your business's brand awareness and credibility, as well as increase traffic and sales to your online store. Again, we remind you that it's important to choose influencers that align with your brand values and have an audience that matches your target demographics. By investing in influencer marketing , you can take advantage of the power of social media to reach more potential customers and ultimately enhance your brand.

Strategy 4: Harness the power of email marketing

email marketing

The email marketing services is one of the most effective strategies for generating sales in your e-shop. By collecting email addresses from your eshop visitors, you can send them newsletters, new product updates and exclusive offers that make them feel special. The result is that they are loyal to your business and become repeat customers. You can also segment your email list based on customer behavior, such as recent purchases or featured products, to create targeted campaigns that further increase loyalty and sales. For Example, you can send a personalised email to customers who have recently abandoned their shopping cart, offering them a discount code to encourage them to complete their purchase. In the country, there are many email marketing platforms available such as Mailchimp, Moosend etc. However, based on our knowledge and experience, we can assure you that Klaviyo is the ultimate email marketing platform, with clear expertise in ecommerce and business data intelligence. That's why we chose to become Klaviyo Partners. So by harnessing the power of email marketing, you can boost your sales and increase customer loyalty.

Strategy 5: Offer discounts and promotions to attract customers


Offering discounts and promotions is a powerful way to attract new customers and win back customers who have not preferred you for a long time and it is a step before they give up for good on the possibility of a new purchase from your eshop. Consider offering discounts on specific products or services, free shipping or a discount rate in the total purchase price. For example, you can offer 10% discount on the first purchase for new customers or 20% discount for customers who refer a friend to buy from you. Another effective strategy is to create combinations of related products in a discounted package, offering customers a good deal, growing alongside the average order value. Offers can also include limited-time offers, such as flash sales. Be sure to advertise your offers on your website, social media accounts and email campaigns to increase your sales.

Strategy 6: Provide excellent customer service to build loyalty

Providing excellent customer service is one of the most important strategies for building your relationship with your customers and generating repeat sales in your eshop. Make sure you offer high-quality customer support throughout the entire customer journey, from browsing to purchase and after-sales support. Respond immediately to customer queries, whether via social media, email or phone. Reply directly and individually in all reviews of your customers on the internet (Google Reviews, Facebook, etc.). Take immediate action even by phone on bad reviews, identify the problem, fix it and improve. Train your support team to be polite, helpful and professional at all times. Make sure the purchase completion process is smooth and hassle-free. You could also offer free shipping, personalized offers and discounts to customers to show that you appreciate the preference they show you. A good example of excellent customer service is Amazon's support team, which offers 24/7 assistance and a hassle-free return policy. By prioritizing customer satisfaction, you can create loyal customers who will continue to return to your e-shop again and again.

Strategy 7: Continuously improve your products and services


Continuous improvement of your products and services is a critical strategy for generating sales and ensuring customer satisfaction. As a business owner, you should always be looking for ways to improve your offerings and make them even more appealing to your target audience. One way to do this is to collect feedback from your customers and analyze it to identify areas for improvement. Through email marketing you can set up an automation that, after the order is delivered, sends a questionnaire to the customer's email asking them to rate their experience. The answers he gives are automatically synced to his profile. Those questionnaires that have positive feedback refer the user to leave a positive review online. Those that report a negative experience are put into a special group and immediately the customer service department is informed so that they can contact the customer directly and provide a solution, while improving the image of your business.

Another example we can give is if you notice that your customers often complain about slow delivery times, you could consider working with another courier company or improving your internal processes to speed up the completion and dispatch of orders.

Another approach is to stay up to date with industry trends and incorporate new features and technologies into your products and services. For example, if you have an online clothing store, you could offer virtual testing possibilities to improve the online shopping experience for your customers. By continuously improving your products and services, you can increase customer loyalty, attract new customers and ultimately increase sales for your online store.

In conclusion, promoting your e-shop requires a combination of different strategies and tactics to achieve the desired results. By following the seven strategies outlined in this post, you can attract more visitors to your e-shop, convert them into customers and generate more sales. Remember to optimize your e-shop for search engines, leverage social media to interact with your audience, create valuable content that promotes your products, offer discounts and promotions to attract customers, invest in paid advertising to reach a wider audience, and don't forget the power of email marketing that allows you to get ugly payback overall for your eshop marketing. With the right combination of strategies and consistent effort, you can achieve sustainable growth for your eshop and take your business to the next level.

omnichannel marketing

Email marketing is a powerful tool that can boost your sales and help you build long-term relationships with your customers. It's no secret that email marketing has the highest ROI from all marketing channels and can deliver great results with minimal investment. However, email marketing cannot work alone and it is important to remember that marketing is multichannel. While email marketing is an effective way to communicate with your audience, it cannot be the only channel you use. Combining email marketing with other marketing channels such as social media, SEO, PPC and content marketing can create a more comprehensive marketing strategy. For Example, you can use email marketing to promote your exclusive offers, your new products, the best sellers of the month or your latest useful article and at the same time use social media to create a campaign to increase traffic to your website. More visitors to your eshop means more subscribers and more sales. By diversifying your marketing efforts and taking a combination marketing channel approach, you can reach a wider audience and generate more sales.


After reading our post on how to promote your eshop with 7 specific strategies, you should now have a better understanding of the different techniques you can use to increase traffic to your website and increase your sales. You've learned that creating a strong social media presence, optimizing your website for search engines, harnessing the power of influencer marketing, and offering promotions and discounts are all effective ways to increase traffic and sales. In addition, you've learned about the importance of email marketing and how it can have a higher ROI than other marketing methods. By implementing these strategies, you can take your e-shop to the next level and increase your business revenue and customer base.

If you need help understanding whether email marketing would be rewarding for your business and how it can become part of your marketing strategy, we are at your disposal. Without any obligation, we can do an email Email Marketing audit and suggest improvement strategies. In our company we provide email marketing services to ecommerce partners-owners all over the world and we are always ready to help you achieve your goals.

Email marketing

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