WooCommerce x Klaviyo Case Study. How we brought in 16 euros for every 1 euro the business spent.


WooCommerce x Klaviyo Case Study.


Welcome to the most rewarding marketing medium!

Email marketing is by far the most rewarding means of marketing. Sometimes the numbers really do speak for themselves so we'll dive right in!

Our strategy

Our email marketing strategy for the business has been set up based on A/B testing we did on the account. The partner hasn't even booked time with us and the responsiveness has hit a ceiling. So let's take a look at how we achieved this: 

A/B testing of dynamic subscriber registration form:

When we ask for something, we should be prepared to give something first. But what to give? It's a question that puzzles many businesses. There is no one magic answer as all businesses have their own peculiarities. We tried Well to give free shipping or a discount on the next order of the visitor of our eshop. In the first test, the discount was the winner. We tried to give some free product next time. Again the discount won. The next time we tried two different discount rates. Here the surprise is not that the higher percentage won, but that the completion rate of the form was twice as high. So what we always suggest to businesses is to aim at CLTV and keep an eye on the future, investing in their relationship with the customer.

In one of our last tests we tried to give the same discount but with gamification of the procedure but and testing between fullscreen and pop up. This further increased the form completion and new subscriber acquisition rates by an incredible rate of 7,7% on a desktop computer and 8,8% on a mobile phone.


Set up of subscriber harness automation

The subscriber immediately after filling out the form received exactly what we had promised with an email that was creatively aligned with the brand of the company so that the user experience onsite and offsite is the same.

The voucher he received was dynamic and exclusively for his use and for one-time use only. This enhanced the sense of personalisation as the subscriber understands that this voucher was received only by him. It also does not allow the subscriber to abuse the coupon by using it another time.

The whole sequence is optimized with continuous A/B testing as far as the email theme is concerned in order to have the highest possible email open rate.

Abandoned baskets and order forms

When a customer gets to the point of putting a product in the cart or starting to fill out the order form, we have to do our best not to miss it. They are literally one click away from completing their order. Here we set up 2 separate automations so that we could distinguish where each user was in the order completion process. This is very important so that you don't spam it.

The automations have gone through the stages of A/B testing as far as the ideal time to send the sequence of messages and the incentive to give each time based on circumstances (e.g. from the height of the basket). It has also personalized both the subject of the email and the content. Thus we have managed to have revenue of more than 2€ per recipient!


Newsletter campaigns

All our newsletters are targeted and we do not do blast sending (bulk sending to all subscribers regardless of preferences and behavior). Here we really have nothing to say. We just let the picture speak for itself. We challenge you to compare them to your own email marketing or any other business. Once you've done that, you'll definitely find a free consultation session on how your business can have similar rates.


In the meantime...

If the above hasn't made the effectiveness of email marketing completely clear, we break down the numbers for you. Our partner pays 100€ per month for the Klaviyo platform and 249€ for the Premium service. He has gotten back 5.293€ in turnover, so we are talking about a return of about x16. For every 1€ invested he got back 16€, with email marketing accounting for 24% of the monthly turnover of the business!

Every month we grow our list of quality subscribers, so the turnover of the business is steadily increasing every month.

If you want to do effective email marketing and you are tired of partnerships that do not bring you the expected results, do not hesitate to contact us. In our company we provide email marketing services to clients all over Greece with excellent results as you have seen. At worst, you will receive very personalized advice with no obligation!

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