The Importance of Analytics and Data in Email Marketing: a Powerful Tool for Your Success


Introduction to Data Analysis in Email Marketing: which indicators you should track.

In our digital age, email marketing has proven to be one of the most effective ways to communicate and promote our products and services. However, the effectiveness of email marketing is not only Subject: messaging, but also monitoring and analysis of data related to our campaigns. In this article, we'll look at why it's so important to check your email marketing analytics and data, what are the most important elements to check each month, and what can happen if we neglect to do so. We will also present some real-life examples and case studies to make it easier to understand.

Email Marketing and the Value of Analysis


Email marketing provides a direct communication channel with customers and allows us to communicate with them in a personal and targeted way. However, in order to achieve our goals, it is necessary to monitor and analyse the data generated by our campaigns. Email marketing analytics provide us with valuable tools to understand the performance of our messages, our customers' preferences and opportunities for improvement.

Important Analyses to check every month

  1. Email Open Rate: This indicator shows us how many of the recipients of our messages open them. The open rate highlights the impact of the subject and content of our email. If we neglect to check it, we can lose valuable information about the impact of our campaigns. At this point it is important to separate out iOS users as another analysis strategy is required there.

Example: Suppose we have an opening rate of 15% in a campaign. Upon analysis, we find that 60% of the recipients who opened our email come from a specific geographic region. Based on this information, we can tailor our campaigns to target more to this region and increase their impact.

  1. Click-Through Rate: The click-through rate shows us how many recipients click on a link or button in our email. This indicator highlights the level of interest recipients have in the content of our message. If we ignore checking the click-through rate per recipient, we may miss the opportunity to study the effectiveness of our links in more detail.

Example: If we find that certain links in our email have a low click-through rate, we can look at how we present those links or examine the attractiveness of our offers. Based on this analysis, we can tailor our emails to increase our click-through rate and boost recipient engagement.

  1. Conversion Rate: The conversion rate shows us how many recipients take a desired action, such as buying a product or subscribing to a service. This indicator highlights the effectiveness of our messages in furthering our goals. If we neglect tracking conversion rate, we can miss valuable information about the performance of our campaigns and the need for improvements.

Example: Suppose we have a conversion rate of 5% in a campaign. Based on this analysis, we find that our offer is efficient and attractive to our audience. This may encourage us to invest more in this offer or look at ways to improve our recipients' experience for an even higher conversion rate.

  1. Unsubscribe Rate (Unsubscribe Rate): The unsubscribe rate of our newsletters shows how many recipients choose to unsubscribe from our list. This indicator highlights the level of satisfaction of recipients and can show if the content or frequency of our messages does not match their expectations. If we neglect to control the unsubscribe rate, we can lose valuable data and fail to meet the needs and concerns of our recipients.

Example: If we find that the unsubscribe rate is constantly increasing, we can look at the frequency of our messages, the clarity of the content or the way we present ourselves. Based on this analysis, we can improve our recipients' experience and reduce the unsubscribe rate.

What happens if you don't analyse your data


If we neglect to analyze our email marketing data, some negative consequences can arise:

  1. Loss of improvement opportunities: The data resulting from our analysis provides us with specific information about what works and what doesn't in our campaigns. If we ignore this data, we miss the opportunity to improve our campaigns and increase their performance.

  2. Failure to adapt to customer needs: Our analyses provide us with information about our customers' preferences and habits. If we don't take this information into account and adapt accordingly, we can disappoint our customers and lose their trust.

  3. Waste of resources: If we don't analyse our data, we may waste resources on unsuccessful campaigns. Our analytics enable us to focus our resources on the most efficient and effective campaigns.

Examples of real-life cases:

  1. XYZ had launched an email marketing campaign to promote its new product. Initially, metrics showed that the opening rate was very low. After analysing the data, they found that the email title was not attractive and did not arouse the recipients' interest. After the change the title to something more attractive, the opening rate increased significantly, causing greater engagement and an increase in sales.

  2. ABC sent out an email campaign with an offer for a discount on products to all subscribers on its list. After analyzing the data, they discovered that the conversion rate was too low. By studying the data further, they discovered that the offer was not obvious enough and the recipients had a hard time finding it in the email. By changing the layout and emphasis of supply, the conversion rate increased and the company saw an increase in sales of its products.

  3. A small business provided a newsletter to its subscribers to inform them about new products and discounts. After a period of time, it was observed that the rate of deletion increased dramatically. In studying the data, it was found that the content of the newsletter was very promotional and of little interest to the recipients. They decided to change their approach and provide more interesting and useful content, such as tips, educational material and additional offers. This change led to a decrease in the rate of deletion and an increase in the overall interaction of recipients.

The analysis of email analytics and data is a critical element for the success of email marketing campaigns. If you neglect to review this data, you can miss valuable opportunities for improvement, fail to tailor your campaigns to customer needs, and waste resources on unsuccessful efforts. Leverage your data and analytics to make more meaningful decisions, improve campaign performance, and create more satisfied customers. Don't underestimate the power of analytics and data - it's the determining factor in your success in the email marketing space.


  1. Analyzing email analytics and data is critical to the success of email marketing campaigns.
  2. The data provides us with information about the performance of our campaigns and helps us to improve their effectiveness.
  3. Some of the important analytics you should check monthly include the open rate, click rate, conversion rate and inventory rate.
  4. Failure to control this data can lead to missed opportunities for improvement, failure to adapt to customer needs and wasted resources.
  5. Real-world examples include improving the open rate by changing the email title, increasing the conversion rate by reorganizing the offer, and reducing the inventory rate with more interesting content.
  6. The analysis and use of data is crucial to making meaningful decisions, improving campaign performance and creating satisfied customers.

If you need further clarification on all the data you need to know to be sure you are doing effective email marketing for your eshop, we are at your disposal. Without any obligation, we can make an email Email Marketing audit and suggest improvement strategies. In our company we provide email marketing services to ecommerce partners-owners all over the world and we are always ready to help you achieve your goals.


Email marketing

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