Which numbers to track for Local SEO


The numbers always tell the truth (10/10)


In this tenth and final lesson for the Local SEO, we'll talk about how to measure the results of your efforts to see how much more visible the business continually becomes in local searches. The images are from our platform admin and from our partner business where you will clearly see its upward trend.

How they discover you online

Shall we go to the first and most important part? How do people searching online for something related to your service/product in your area discover you?

Here you will see that you have all the information. For starters, you will see the views of your business profile. That is, they searched for something relevant as we said and just saw the GMB of the business (in another lesson we mentioned how to find the business profile of the company on Google).

So you'll see that in the last 6 months the business had 115,000 views and the percentages below breaking down how many of those views were from maps/searches on mobile/stationary. It's clear the rise in mobile, where remember is the majority of your potential customers now. 

  • Mobile views April 2023: 5.485
  • Views on mobile September 2023: 8.427
  • Views on mobile maps April 2023: 7.475
  • Views on mobile maps September 2023: 15.239

What actions users take

Good. The first step has been taken. They found you. Now what?

Now they will see your profile. Remember things you learned that matter.

  1. They are the first photos on your profile of the business or are customers. If they are customers it means you are not in control of your "storefront". Too bad.
  2. They are the photos your high resolution; It is attractive?
  3. There is full management of your reviews? Do you respond personally to reviews or do you do a chore (copy-paste the same response).
  4. What do you do with the negative reviews; Do you respond professionally or do you not engage at all? What message does this send to the thousands of users who see it? Certainly not that you respect your customers and are willing to right any wrongs.
  5. Do posts on Google daily? Are you showing your professionalism and expertise?

In our admin you have full analysis of user actions. So here you see that:

  1. Requested navigation instructions: 1,000 users
  2. Visited the company's website: 709 users
  3. Called the business: 956 users

You can clearly see the overall upward trend, especially in the directions requested to visit the business location, which is the strongest signal to Google that you are the ideal result for what they were looking for.

google stats user actions

Artificial Intelligence references

And of course, an analysis of the AI tool could not be missing. Analyzing your data from all connected platforms (indicatively Google - Trip Advisor - FourSquare - Facebook - Booking - AirBNB) provides you with valuable insights.

So by gathering reviews from different platforms, it makes an analysis not only in terms of the average of the reviews but also in terms of their content. Because you are definitely interested in what the customer said. He may have left a 5 star review but in the comment he said "of course the service disappointed us but...". So yes, it's a positive review but it contains valuable information that you have room for improvement in your customer service.


So first of all you can see the course of your average reviews. Here you will see a sharp decline in March 2023. Directly you need to look at what happened that month and do everything possible to correct it.


You will be able to see an overview of the your reviews per platform. This includes the average reviews and the percentage change in customer satisfaction.


Here you will be able to see what we mentioned above. The AI tool has done a categorization by keywords present within the reviews. While the business generally had a high percentage of positive reviews, the "food" category has 4 positive ones, 2 negative (28.5% rate)  and 1 neutral (3 stars). It also had 1 neutral in terms of the taste of the food. Isn't that useful information for your own business? We would say that this kind of information is gold.

review keyword platform

Monthly comparative reports

And of course you'll get a monthly benchmark report on the progress of local SEO actions. As you'll see, all the views and actions users took in August 2023 had rise from 8% to 415%!

So you can see how useful it is not only to do what you have to do but also to monitor the results. Now that the lessons are over, it's time to put them into practice. Start applying everything you have learned and remember, I am at your disposal with one click for any questions!

And we are always at your disposal to carry out a study of your local business and in a 15-minute communication by telephone or Google Meet, to suggest targeted strategies tailored to your business.

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