June 2023


How to secure thousands of bookings for your travel agency.

Email marketing is one of the most effective tools for travel agencies. Although the digital age has brought many changes to the way we communicate, email remains one of the most popular ways of communication and business promotion. In this section, we will look at the importance of email marketing for travel agencies and present some best practices, providing examples of each.

How to secure thousands of bookings for your travel agency. Read More "


Retention is the new acquisition: the best way to retain & increase your customer base/turnover.

In today's competitive market, acquiring new customers is important, but retaining existing customers is the basis of a successful business. Despite recognition of this fact, many businesses face challenges in retaining their customers. In this article, we will look at the best way to retain your existing customer base in your business.

Retention is the new acquisition: the best way to retain & increase your customer base/turnover. Read More "


The Importance of Analytics and Data in Email Marketing: a Powerful Tool for Your Success

Email marketing provides a direct channel of communication with our customers and allows us to communicate with them in a personal and targeted way. However, in order to achieve our goals, it is necessary to monitor and analyse the data generated by our campaigns. Email marketing analytics provide us with valuable tools to understand the performance of our messages, our customers' preferences and opportunities for improvement.

The Importance of Analytics and Data in Email Marketing: a Powerful Tool for Your Success Read More "


Why choose to work with a certified Klaviyo Partner.

In the age of digital entrepreneurship, managing promotional activities and marketing strategies has become an essential need for the success of a business. Monitoring and communicating with your customers is critical to creating a dynamic and successful relationship with them. That's where Klaviyo, a trusted email marketing automation platform, is irreplaceable.

Why choose to work with a certified Klaviyo Partner. Read More "

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