Links in Local SEO as a ranking factor


Local Links (3/10)

Welcome to the third lesson on Local SEO, where we're going to talk about local links.

Backlinks were always one of the most important ranking factors in traditional Google SEO algorithm and are incredibly strong in Google local SEO algorithm as well.


Google looks at links like these popularity votes. Ideally, the best sites will have the most inbound links from third-party sites. The more relevant these websites are to your business service/product, even better. Not all links have the same value and to be clear, you should avoid putting links pointing to your own business on low quality sites.


Ο Google local algorithm sees links differently from its traditional algorithm. Most local business websites operate on a much smaller scale. The majority of local business sites only have a few hundred links - sometimes not even 100.

In the traditional algorithm, it is important to acquire links from high authority sites related to your business. Because local businesses operate on a smaller scale, the requirements are not as strict.

In Local SEO, the important factor is that the link comes from a local business or website. Sure, industry-related links are still important and have value, but it is the local links that matter here more than anything else.


In Local SEO, we don't care if a link is a follow or nofollow. If you are new to SEO, you should know that there is a special plugin included in the link code that tells Google to "credit" the value that this link gives you - a "follow" link - or simply crawl the link without passing on any value - a "follow" link.nofollow".

In traditional SEO they avoid nofollow links - but in Local SEO, they are just as valid. Yes, you heard me correctly - nofollow links still work in Local SEO.

While traditional SEO Experts try to get links from really high quality sites, all of us in the Local SEO space just sit back and relax as we acquire links from low authority sites without any anxiety if they damage our rankings.

Now, we do not say that our goal is to get links from low quality sites - but, usually, local sites don't have much value as far as their links are concerned. They don't have many other inbound links, they don't have tons of amazing content, and sometimes the sites even look a little ugly to the user. None of this affects us.


Because of this, it is more difficult to reverse. As you start to get more local links and gain more visibility in local searches, your competitors will analyse what you are doing. When they see your links through a linking tool, they will all look like low value links and if your competitor doesn't know how Local SEO works, they will think your links suck and move on to analyze other data, never realizing what opportunity they missed.

If get involved in the local community, creating local links is actually incredibly easy. Many businesses can find local connection opportunities related to things they are already doing in the community or through local relationships they already have.


When you're ready to create local links, start by checking your competitors' links first with the help of our platform. Go to the admin in the "Backlinks" section and download a list of your inbound links and a list for each of your main local competitors. Compare your links to what your competitors have, paying particular attention to the links they have but you don't.

If someone links to your competitor, it is very easy for you to get a link from the same site. This should not be your only strategy, because you need unique links to get ahead in the search results - but it's a great starting strategy to play your competitors straight very quickly.


You can also use the Google searches to find ideas. Compile a list of keywords related to your link building tactics and let our tool suggest relevant keywords.

Even though you're doing Local SEO, don't get stuck in your local bubble. Remember, you need unique links to stand out. Check out similar businesses in other cities, even if they are on the other side of the country and you will never compete with them. Sometimes, you'll find amazing ideas that you would never have thought of if you were only looking at locations in your area.

So that's it for the third lesson on Local SEO. See the next lesson what content to create to stand out in local searches.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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