7 ways to improve the deliverability of your emails


Email marketing has become one of the most effective and efficient ways to reach potential and existing customers. However, if your emails are not delivered to the recipient's inbox, all the effort you put into creating a compelling campaign is wasted. Low email deliverability can have a significant impact on the success of email marketing campaigns. In this article, we'll discuss the problem with low email deliverability, its implications for your business, and how to achieve high deliverability rates.

The problem with the low deliverability of email

Low email deliverability refers to the percentage of emails that never reach the recipient's inbox. The reasons for low email delivery can be varied and complex, but some of the most common causes include email filters, spam complaints and incorrect email addresses.

Low email deliverability can have significant consequences for your business, including reduced open rates, click-to-view ratios and customer loyalty. This can lead to a reduction in the effectiveness of email marketing campaigns and ultimately resulting in lower revenues for your business.

Official studies

According to a study conducted by the Return Path, a global email delivery provider, 20% of emails worldwide fail to reach the inbox. In addition, the study revealed that the primary reason for low email delivery was the sender's bad reputation.

Another study by HubSpot, a leading inbound marketing and sales platform, found that businesses that sent 16 to 30 emails per month had the highest open rates. The study also revealed that personalisation in email marketing increased open rates by 29,95%.

case studies

Let's take a look at two real-life cases that demonstrate the impact of high email delivery rates on the success of email marketing campaigns.

Case 1: CleanChoice Energy

Responding to CleanChoice Energy is a clean energy supplier that sends monthly newsletters to its subscribers. The company's email delivery rate was consistently low, and as a result, its open and click-to-view ratios were also low.

To improve email delivery rates, CleanChoice Energy implemented the following steps:

  1. Clean their email list by removing inactive subscribers, invalid email addresses and spam traps.
  2. Verify the identity of their emails by adding SPF, DKIM and DMARC protocols.
  3. He regularly monitored their email reputation and dealt with any problems immediately.

As a result of these steps, CleanChoice Energy's email delivery rate improved from 80% to 96%, and the opening rates and click to number of occurrences increased by 25%.

Case 2: Airbnb

Responding to Airbnb, a popular holiday rental platform, sends various types of emails to its subscribers, such as booking confirmations, travel reminders and promotional emails.

To improve email delivery rates, Airbnb implemented the following steps:

  1. They segmented their email list based on subscriber behavior and preferences.
  2. Personalize their emails by including the subscriber's name, location and other relevant information.
  3. Use a fixed sending frequency and optimize sending times based on subscriber behavior.

As a result of these steps, Airbnb's email delivery rate improved by 38%, and open rates increased by 30%.

Steps to achieve high performance email

  1. Create a clean email list: Regularly remove inactive subscribers, invalid email addresses and possible cases that mark you as spam from your email list. This will help improve your sender reputation and reduce the likelihood of your emails being marked as junk.

  2. Authenticate your emails: Implement SPF, DKIM and DMARC protocols to authenticate your emails and improve your email delivery rate.

  3. Monitor your email reputation: You regularly monitor your email reputation and address any problems immediately. This may include, for example, investigating and responding on the business side to spam complaints.

  4. Segment your email list: Segment your email list based on subscriber behavior and preferences. This will help ensure that your subscribers receive relevant content, increasing the likelihood of interaction with your emails.

  5. Personalisation of your emails: Use subscriber data to personalise your emails, including their name, location and other relevant information. Personalization has been shown to increase open rates and loyalty.

  6. Optimise your dispatch frequency and time: Determine the optimal frequency and sending time based on subscriber behavior and loyalty. This can help subscribers not feel overwhelmed or uninterested in your emails.

  7. Provide an option to easily unsubscribe from the newsletter list: Make it easy for subscribers to unsubscribe from your emails. This will reduce the likelihood of them marking your emails as spam and negatively impacting your sender's reputation.


Email deliverability is a critical element of any successful email marketing campaign. The low email delivery rates may have significant consequences for your business, including reduction in loyalty and revenue. However, by applying the steps outlined in this article, you can improve your email delivery rates and increase the success of your email marketing campaigns.

As an email marketing service provider, our company understands the importance of high email delivery rates. We are committed to implementing best practices to ensure that your emails reach your subscribers' inboxes and increase loyalty and revenue for your business.

Contact us today to learn more and ask us for a free email marketing consultation to find out about our email marketing services and how we can help you achieve high delivery rates for your email campaigns. You will have already seen some examples in case studies Just book your seat with us.


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